Rubel's January 2021 Blog Post
This month has been full of learning and growing experiences. This second semester started off quickly and with very little room to not be on top of things. In medical pharmacology we began looking into diabetic medications as well as different contraceptive plans of action. I really enjoyed learning about the different mechanisms of action that diabetic medications take. It helped me broaden my understanding of the condition as a whole. I always thought of insulin as a sort of transporter that allows certain things to be taken into the cell for further action, I now know that is not the case. Insulin works more like a transport signaler, in that it signals for more GLUT 4 transporters to come and take in glucose. Understanding more about the ways in which diabetes works to affect our bodies has given me a new light of appreciation for how hard my late uncle, as well as the millions of Americans affected by diabetes, work on a day to day basis to maintain a homeostat...