Rubel's November 2020 Blog Post

Total Volunteer Hours and services: 14 hours total

Hybrid Market Assistance: 3 hours

Crescent City Farmers: 9 hours

Letters to Micheal from Retirement Home: 1 hour

Food Donations: 1 hour

This month has been my most productive and successful one of the semester. I have been able to get my volunteer hours done as well as have a school routine that works for me. I have developed a more visual learning style with constant repetition of the material when it comes to medical pharmacology; this study plan has helped tremendously with retention of the material. I have been volunteering with organizations throughout New Orleans and getting to know my community better. I volunteered at multiple farmers markets this past month. We essentially work to make sure the community gets their fresh groceries safely and on time. We assist the sellers by helping deliver the food from the market into the cars of the consumers. First, we make sure that the order on the computer is the same as what is in their carts. If everything is correct, we wait for the customers to pull up in the drive up parking lot for pick up service. When they arrive we give them their orders and assist in getting them whatever else they may need. We do this while maintaining social distance practices and wearing masks as mandated from the CDC. 

By taking part in these particular community service opportunities, I see just how important the work these organizations are doing for the good of the community. They are able to get food to vulnerable populations, particularly the elderly and sick, in a safe and responsible manner. This actively shows them how much we care about them and their health. These volunteering opportunities have allowed me to understand just how many undercover heroes there are in our very own backyards.

-Rubel Ghebermicael


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